Son of Canvassing Concerns – Kiss The Girls And Make Them Wry

Another day of meeting electors round the Ward.  What a fascinating Ward we have!  Two more areas of concern which may help folks get a flavour of voter issues on the street:

  • signage in Austin Friars, a cul-de-sac, could use some work, particularly helping to promote the Dutch Church;
  • with increased partying in the City, much of it welcome to local tradespeople, how can we find subtle, yet effective, ways of ensuring that Thursday and Friday night rubbish doesn’t interfere with the next morning’s business.

I’m building up quite a list of things to do at a local level.  Future posts will start to shape some of the international issues.  Meanwhile, for those who wanted a better picture of Uma, certainly not me, there was a lovely resolution to our previous post.  She got a “wugga wugga” (don’t even ask, but she likes them) and I got my campaign ‘baby kiss’ out of the way – though the poor dear may have nightmares for a few days about the “errgyly monster what Mummy save me from”.

Foto 3

PS – You can see she’s saying “Broad Street Ward needs you!” [well, in German]