Connect To Prosper – Impact

What we hope to achieve with Connect To Prosper is to create more connections that help the world progress to solve problems. There will be a variety of metrics:

  • Programme successes
    • Online viewing statistics
    • Physical event attendance numbers
    • Virtual event attendance numbers
  • Initiative successes
    • GALENOS – scientific assessment
    • 695th Lord Mayor’s Ethical AI Initiative – student numbers and emulation
    • 695th Constructing Science: Offices To Labs Initiative – conversions begun
    • 695th Lord Mayor’s Space Protection Insurance Initiative – progress towards governments support for a new market
  • City of London
    • Media
    • New businesses
  • Charity support
    • •Lord Mayor’s Appeal
      • •MQ Mental Health
      • •Sea-Change Sailing Trust
    • •Lord Mayor’s Royal Mathematical School 350th Bursary
    • •Classical Road Show
    • •Thames21 cleanup day
    • •Gloucester 1682 Trust – wine auction
    • •CARA – Council for Assisting Refugee Academics
    • •Order of St John
    • •Morden College
    • •Prisoners Abroad
    • •Royal Humane Society 250th
    • •London’s Air Ambulance
    • •St Joseph’s Hospice